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Checking my Ego at the door: The badly written blog post. It’s hot in here!!!


I just reread my blog post I felt it was super long, a bit dense and badly written. As an exercise I asked ChatGPT to analyse the blog post: It’s hot in here!!! Hacking noodle broth using a Nigerian pepper soup recipe

As an exercise I performed an Audit. I asked chat GPT to analyse the writing style and critically appraise this blog post and perform a SWOT analysis.

Analyse the writing style and critically appraise this blog post

The writing style of the blog post “It’s hot in here!!! Hacking noodle broth using a Nigerian pepper soup recipe” by Steve the author is characterized by a conversational and informal tone. The author adopts a narrative approach, sharing personal experiences and reflections on culinary experimentation, market analysis, and business ideas. The writing is engaging and accessible, making complex topics like market analysis and business strategies relatable to a wider audience.

One strength of the writing style is its use of anecdotes and examples to illustrate key points. The author draws from his own experiences, such as using Nigerian pepper soup as a base for noodle broth, to demonstrate the potential for culinary innovation and business opportunities. These anecdotes help to humanize the content and make it more engaging for readers.

Another notable aspect of the writing style is its structure and organization. The author divides the blog post into sections, each focusing on a specific aspect of the topic, such as market analysis, consumer considerations, and business ideas. This structure helps to guide the reader through the content and makes it easier to digest complex information.

However, there are some areas where the writing style could be improved. For example, the blog post contains lengthy paragraphs and dense blocks of text, which may overwhelm some readers and make it difficult to follow the flow of ideas. Breaking up the text into shorter paragraphs and incorporating more visual elements, such as bullet points or subheadings, could help to improve readability.

Overall, the blog post effectively combines personal anecdotes, informative content, and practical insights to explore the intersection of culinary experimentation and business innovation. With some adjustments to the writing style, such as improving readability and incorporating more visual elements, the post could further enhance its impact and engagement with readers.


ChatGPT: Performing a SWOT analysis on the blog post “It’s hot in here!!! Hacking noodle broth using a Nigerian pepper soup recipe” by Steve the author, published on March 3, 2024:


1. Unique Concept: The blog post explores the fusion of Nigerian pepper soup with noodle broth, offering readers a fresh and innovative culinary idea.

2. Market Analysis: The inclusion of market analysis data on the global food ingredients market provides valuable insights into industry trends and potential business opportunities.

3. Comprehensive Content: The blog post covers various topics, including consumer considerations, business ideas, and culinary exploration, offering a well-rounded perspective on the subject.

4. Practical Suggestions: The post offers practical suggestions for addressing common challenges faced by consumers purchasing exotic ingredients, such as usability and cost concerns.

5. Diverse Business Ideas: The inclusion of diverse business ideas, such as the online ingredient emporium, food cart van chain, and meal kit delivery services, demonstrates creativity and entrepreneurial potential.


1. Lack of Structure: The blog post lacks clear organization, with ideas and concepts presented in a somewhat disjointed manner, which may make it challenging for readers to follow.

2. Overwhelming Content: The post contains a vast amount of information and ideas, which may overwhelm readers and dilute the focus of the message.

3. Limited Focus on Execution: While the post outlines various business ideas and concepts, it provides limited guidance on how to execute these ideas effectively, potentially leaving readers with unanswered questions.


1. Market Expansion: The blog post highlights the growing demand for exotic ingredients and the potential for market expansion, presenting opportunities for entrepreneurs to capitalize on this trend.

2. Innovation in Culinary Exploration: The post encourages innovation in culinary exploration and business development, opening doors for new product ideas and market niches.

3. Collaboration and Partnerships: The inclusion of ideas for collaborations with local suppliers and partnerships with other businesses presents opportunities for strategic alliances and mutually beneficial relationships.


1. Competition: The global food ingredients market is highly competitive, with numerous players vying for market share, posing a threat to new entrants and established businesses alike.

2. Regulatory Challenges: Compliance with import/export regulations, food safety standards, and labelling requirements can pose challenges for businesses operating in the food ingredients market, potentially hindering growth and expansion.

3. Consumer Resistance: Some consumers may be hesitant to try new ingredients or culinary concepts, posing a threat to businesses seeking to introduce innovative products or services.

Overall, the blog post “It’s hot in here!!! Hacking noodle broth using a Nigerian pepper soup recipe” offers valuable insights and ideas for entrepreneurs and food enthusiasts interested in exploring exotic ingredients and culinary innovation. However, it could benefit from improved organization and focus to enhance readability and effectiveness.

The rewrite

Me: Can you rewrite it

Chat GPT: Title: Exploring Culinary Fusion: Nigerian Pepper Soup Noodle Broth


In the realm of culinary experimentation, there exists a world of possibilities waiting to be discovered. It’s a journey of taste, tradition, and transformation, where ingredients from different corners of the globe come together to create something entirely new. Join me on a gastronomic adventure as we delve into the fusion of Nigerian pepper soup with the comforting warmth of noodle broth.

Exploring Culinary Fusion:

Recently, while battling a cold, I stumbled upon a culinary revelation: using Nigerian pepper soup as the base for noodle broth. The result was nothing short of sensational. Yet, I couldn’t help but wonder about the possibilities beyond this newfound discovery. What if we could use other African soups, like Ghanaian peanut soup, as a base for noodle dishes? The journey of culinary exploration had begun.

Experimentation Categories:

In my culinary experiments, I classified my endeavours into three distinct categories:

1. Authentic Exploration: Using traditional broth recipes as a base, either in their original form or with minimal modifications.

2. Adaptation and Innovation: Infusing traditional Flavors into new culinary contexts, catering to diverse tastes and preferences.

3. Haute Cuisine Creation: Elevating ethnic ingredients to haute cuisine status, crafting new culinary experiences inspired by global traditions.

Market Analysis:

Before delving further into our culinary exploration, let’s take a moment to analyse the global food ingredients market. With a projected value of $475.4 billion by 2031, the market offers vast opportunities for innovation and growth. From spices and grains to vegetables and fats/oils, the market encompasses a diverse range of ingredients, fuelling culinary creativity across the globe.

Challenges and Solutions:

As we embark on our culinary journey, it’s essential to address common challenges faced by consumers experimenting with exotic ingredients:

1. Usability: Provide detailed usage instructions and multilingual resources to enhance accessibility.

2. Managing Excess Ingredients: Offer smaller portion sizes and storage tips to minimize waste.

3. Cost Concerns: Explore budget-friendly options and discounts to make exotic ingredients more accessible.

4. Sampling as a One-Off: Introduce sample packs and recipe recommendations to encourage exploration without commitment.

Consumer and Country Profile:

Building a comprehensive consumer and country profile involves understanding consumer preferences, market trends, and ingredient availability. By conducting thorough research and analysis, businesses can tailor their offerings to meet the unique needs of consumers in different regions.

Innovative Business Ideas:

From online ingredient emporiums to mobile food cart chains, the possibilities for culinary entrepreneurship are endless. By embracing innovation and collaboration, entrepreneurs can tap into the growing demand for exotic ingredients and culinary experiences.


As we conclude our culinary journey, let us remember that the world of food is a vast and ever-evolving landscape, filled with endless opportunities for exploration and discovery. Whether through traditional recipes or innovative fusion cuisine, each dish tells a story of culture, creativity, and community. So, let’s continue to experiment, innovate, and celebrate the diverse Flavors of the world. Bon appétit!


Reflecting on the SWOT analysis of the blog post “It’s hot in here!!! Hacking noodle broth using a Nigerian pepper soup recipe,” it’s evident that while the post presents valuable insights and ideas, there are areas for improvement. Despite its strengths in introducing a unique culinary concept and providing comprehensive content, such as market analysis and practical suggestions, weaknesses like lack of structure and overwhelming content detract from its effectiveness. However, opportunities abound in the market expansion, innovation in culinary exploration, and collaboration with local suppliers. Recognizing the threats posed by competition, regulatory challenges, and consumer resistance, there’s room for refinement and strategic focus. By refining organization and focusing on clarity, the blog post can enhance readability and effectiveness, offering even greater value to entrepreneurs and food enthusiasts interested in culinary innovation.

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