Portable disaster recovery equipment provides life-saving support during extreme weather events. Learn about the latest tools, their use cases, and the next steps for creating a centralized inventory management database for efficient disaster response.
Development Ideas
This blog introduces a comprehensive AI-driven framework to mitigate climate change impacts. By leveraging AI technology, data integration, and interdisciplinary expertise, communities can anticipate, respond to, and recover from extreme weather events.
The Open-Source Government-Private Coordination Service offers a comprehensive, technology-driven approach to managing climate disasters through real-time data, AI, and public-private collaboration.
CDARC offers a new, comprehensive approach to managing climate-related disasters by integrating advanced technologies and community-driven initiatives for effective anticipation and recovery.
Local producers of Aso Oke face economic pressure from cheap Chinese imitations. This article explores strategies to protect their livelihoods and cultural heritage through regional authentication, branding, and market expansion.